Conflict in the workplace is often thought of as negative and possibly destructive to peaceful operations and the status quo. However, conflict can increase creativity and innovation if the parties involved in the conflict are not bullied or asked to compromise their beliefs and values. Richard Mayer (1931) commented that to think of disagreements in the workplace as conflict management may not be the proper approach. Instead, relationship management better describes the process that is involved when individuals in the…..
Typically, a business plan or in this case a Bully-Free Safety Canvas is a living document where changes are made within the structure to allow for improvement, and new information and knowledge. Share the knowledge that you have gained concerning bully management and prevention with others in your industry and social circles. If everyone were comfortable with bully management and prevention, then the problem would not exist. Share your successes for workplace wellness with others through education, workshops, and consulting…..
Toxic work environments will increase operational cost. The cost and risk of conducting business with bullies in the workplace are both tangible and intangible. For example, and just to name a few, bullies events and toxic environments create employee dissatisfaction, increase absenteeism, and accident and injury, and reduced productivity, increase legal cost, and the loss of organizational knowledge and brand identity. Revising policies and procedures and defining bullying will help with providing a starting point for reporting and managing and…..
The book Finding the Good in the Workplace Bully is about toxic workplace cultures and retention of members of the bully triad through education and development. The book is an excellent guide for CEOs, leaders, and employees who struggle with bullies rising to power in the workplace. A detailed process is described in the book about the preservation of human resource talent rather than firing individuals who become misdirected. Finding the Good in the Workplace Bully was written to break…..
To add to your Bully-Free Safety Canvas make sure that you examine your communication channels for any toxic or inappropriate language or communication. This analysis will include social media, blogs, public media, and political lobbying, and advocacy. Be alert to cyberbullying and any form of communication that limits your choices and ability to think for yourself without coercion and pressure to conform differently than your stated values and beliefs.
As you develop your Bully-Free Safety Canvas, imagine bully-free communities. Communities being your social circles, neighborhood, churches, schools, colleges, and universities, political groups, and civic groups. The creation of your Bully-Free Safety Canvas has helped you identify your Key Bully Prevention Partners, Key Prevention Activities, Key Resources, Bully-Free Core Values, and identify your developmental needs for Bully-Free Relationships. These supportive networks from your Bully-Free Safety Canvas assessment and reflection, and your newly developing skills and competencies for managing and preventing…..
Managing and promoting bully-free personal relationships is our responsibility and requires effort to be able to understand each other and to avoid developing unhealthy relationships. Interaction and connection with friends and family and membership to groups will benefit when we seek to understand the values supported by association and the goals and intent of the members. Becoming knowledgeable and respecting group differences and the unique aspects of a person’s race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical abilities, religious…..
Have you ever thought about how your emotional wellness and your environmental wellness and occupational wellness are intricately connected? If so, have you reflected on your core values concerning these dimensions of wellness? It is difficult to set healthy boundaries and safe environments without a clear definition of what you are willing to accept and what is an unacceptable threat concerning your emotional, environmental, and occupational wellness. Take time to reflect on your core values concerning bullying so that you…..
As discussed in previous blog posts, gathering your Key Bully Prevention Partners and engaging in Key Bully Prevention Activities are essential for developing your Bully Event Safety Canvas. Creating and connecting to Key Bully Prevention Resources is another benefit of designing your Bully Event Safety Canvas. For example, during and after a bully event your emotional wellness may be fragile, or you may want to advocate to prevent a reoccurrence of the bully event. Consider volunteering for or creating a…..
Key bully management and prevention activities include taking actions to report the bullying and taking responsibility for personal growth and development. For example, do you know where to report bullying when it occurs in your workplace, home, community or religious or educational institution? Do you know the definition of bullying within these environments? Have you reflected on personal behaviors and communication that might have contributed to becoming a victim or a bystander of a bully event? Do you stay current…..