The workplace bully can easily be identified when there are escalations in chaos and workplace tension because bullies are often central figures who receive credit for all infamous deeds and sometimes heroics. Bullies harbor resources, information, and knowledge and undermine every operational process. However, workplace bullies do not suddenly emerge but are fueled by imbalances in the organizational culture and slowly nurtured to take their unfair share of the workplace power. What is the definition of a workplace bully? It depends on the organizational structure, mission and values, and how acts of aggression and misuse of power are named. Some organizations would not recognize a bully rising to power because bullies exude magnificence while riding on coworkers’ skills and competencies, and talents to save the day. Other organizations would sense that something was wrong because of the shift from the workplace mission and vision and decreased employee satisfaction and loyalty.
Debra Stewart Psy.D MBA
Bully Management and Prevention Certification