Character assassination is a form of bullying because it is a deliberate attempt to destroy someone’s credibility and reputation. In psychology, character assassination begins when the bully is shamed, feels inferior, threatened, or is an insecure, narcissistic personality type. Character assassination involves triangulation instead of direct communication, gossiping, misuse of power and authority, manipulation of the truth, deceit, groupthink, double-speak, spreading of rumors, unhealthy egotism, and narcissism are used to defame and cast doubt on someone’s morals and integrity. Dr……
Examining workplace culture for bullies and conducting needs assessment surveys will lessen blaming and finger-pointing because they identify problems objectively where managers can impartially analyze the data and reformulate the areas that seem to breed bully-like behaviors. However, it is essential to examine assessments and surveys individually to ensure that the data collection methods do not add further dominance issues regarding language, disability, or cultural challenges. Reducing negative communication and looking for framed practices to create dominance and shame will…..
When bystanders are quiet, there are usually underlying threats that keep individuals and groups from stepping up to help or report bullying and abuse. In the case of children who cannot speak for themselves, some bystanders may feel threatened or even benefit by not intervening and will only do so if there is a chance that others will report the abuse. When bystanders are quiet and not involved in the abuse or bullying of adults or children, fear or uncertainty…..
The workplace bully can easily be identified when there are escalations in chaos and workplace tension because bullies are often central figures who receive credit for all infamous deeds and sometimes heroics. Bullies harbor resources, information, and knowledge and undermine every operational process. However, workplace bullies do not suddenly emerge but are fueled by imbalances in the organizational culture and slowly nurtured to take their unfair share of the workplace power. What is the definition of a workplace bully? It…..
Adams Equity Theory of Job Motivation may help to explain how some workplace policies and procedures, noninclusive reward and recognition programs, and unfair growth and development practices may help create bullies in the workplace. Based on needs and expectations, employee satisfaction depends on fair inputs and outputs. When an imbalance occurs, and unfairness is perceived, employee retention drops, accident and injury increases, and employee competition for limited resources increase.
The growing pressure to become fully vaccinated leaves some individuals feeling bullied and without reasonable choices and personal freedoms. For example, employers may mandate vaccination, or employees may face mandatory testing or other penalties if they are not vaccinated. During these difficult times of feeling pressured to conform, how do we make good decisions based on the greater good? Psychology informs us that conformity is neither good nor bad until we assign a social reward, threat level, or fear type……
Everyone has bully tendencies when they feel threatened or have unmet needs that are difficult to resolve. The five-factor personality traits model contains five categories of personality traits: openness to experience, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. The five-factor personality traits may give rise to great leaders and compassionate community helpers when balanced with other social checks and norms. However, there are extremes in personality expression within the five-factor model that may give rise to anti-social personality disorders that often describe…..
There are similarities and differences between peaceful protesters and angry mobs or rioters. A peaceful protester and an angry riotous mob are similar in that they are symbolic of a system problem of unheard and unaddressed needs. However, the two groups are different in that intentional harm is the motive for riotous mobs, and peaceful protesters march without harming others to be heard. When the two groups merge, a new system problem emerges to form a triad consisting of bullies,…..
Social distancing is a unique situation that might reduce bully-type behaviors from individuals who may prey on the marginalized. Without an audience or the rewards found in social groups, the bully may seek other ways to satisfy their unhealthy unmet needs and drives. However, there are bully personalities who thrive on microaggression and covert methods to maintain an imbalance of power when separated from their target. When individuals are advised to practice social distancing, the bystander becomes essential as they…..
The hoarding behaviors that are occurring over the fear of the COVID-19 pandemic may not be a form of bullying. If a person already has bully-type responses, then hoarding behaviors may be an extension of their personality and embedded personality disorders. However, hoarding during times of extreme stress and fear is a normal human response because humans have individual comfort and survival needs. If these needs remain unmet for some time, the flight or fight response is activated and induces…..